Durham Conference, 2018
Durham Conference, 2018
Surname Name Position Institution
Akseli N. Orkun Professor University of Manchester, Law School
Alpa Guido Professor University of Rome I " La Sapienza", Faculty of Law
Andenas Mads Professor University of Oslo, Faculty of Law
Atamer Yesim M. Professor University of Zurich, Faculty of Law
Barral Viñals Immaculada Professor University of Barcelona, Faculty of Law
Ben-Ishai Stephanie Professor York University, Osgoode Hall Law School
Benjamin Herman Antonio Justice National High Court of Brazil
Bigwood Rick Professor University of Queensland, TC Beirne School of Law
Block-Lieb Susan Professor Fordham University, School of Law
Bonell Michael Joachim Professor Emeritus University of Rome I "La Sapienza", Faculty of Law
Booth Charles D. Professor University of Hawaii, William S. Richardson School of Law
Booysen Sandra Annette Associate Professor National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law
Bourgoignie Thierry Professor Université du Quebec à Montreal, Faculty of Political Sciences and Law
Bridge Michael Professor London School of Economics, Department of Law
Butler William E. Professor Pennysylvania State University, Dickinson Law
Byrne James E. Professor George Mason University, School of Law
Cohen Neil Professor Brooklyn Law School
Conte Giuseppe Professor Universita degli Studi Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
Cranston Sir Ross Professor London School of Economics, Department of Law & Judge in charge of the Administrative Court
Cordero-Moss Giuditta Professor University of Oslo, Faculty of Law
Dahan Frederique Director, Development and Public Finance programme ODI Global
Date-Bah Samuel Kofi Professor Justice (Retired) Supreme Court of Ghana
Duggan Tony Professor University of Toronto, Faculty of Law
Fabian Mondragon Pedrero Alberto Professor Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Facultad de Derecho
Farrar John Professor Emeritus University of Auckland, Business School & University of Waikato, Te Piringa Faculty of Law & Joint Director of the New Zealand Governance Centre & Emeritus Professor of Law at Bond University, Queensland
Fauvarque-Cosson Bénédicte Professor President, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
Ferrari Franco Professor New York University, School of Law & Director of Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration and Commercial Law
Geva Benjamin Professor York University, Osgoode Hall Law School
Giger Hans Professor Emeritus University of Zurich
Gullifer Louise Professor University of Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, Rouse Ball Professor of English Law
Hahn David Professor Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Law
Herrmann Gerold Honorary President International Council for Commercial Arbitration
Hondius Ewoud Professor Emeritus University of Utrecht, Faculty of Law
Horvath Eva Honorary Professor Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
Janger Edward Professor Brooklyn Law School
Keirse Anne Professor Utrecht University, Faculty of Law
Kelly-Louw Michelle Professor University of Cape Town, Faculty of Law
Kieninger Eva-Maria Professor Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Faculty of Law
Kim Kon Sik Professor Seoul National University, School of Law
Komarov Alexander Professor Russian Academy of Foreign Trade
Kono Toshiyuki Professor Kyushu University, Faculty of Law
Kozolchyk Boris Professor Emeritus University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law
Lerner Shalom Professor Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Law
Lima Marques Claudia Professor Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Faculty of Law
Lopez Ricardo Sandoval Professor University of Conception, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
Mann Ronald J. Professor Columbia Law School & Co-director of the Charles Evans Gerber Transactional Studies Center at Columbia Law School
Matsushita Junichi Professor University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law
Mayrhofer Heinrich Professor Emeritus Univeristy of Inssbruck
Mazeaud Denis Professor Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Faculté de Droit
McCormack Gerard Professor Leed University, School of Law
Micklitz Hans Professor European University Institute, Law Department
Molotnikov Alexander Associate Professor Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Law
Mugasha Agasha Professor University of Essex School of Law & Director, Centre for Commercial Law
Munõz Edgardo Professor Universidad Panamericana, School of Law
Nakata Kunihiro Professor Ryu Koku University, Faculty of Law
Nanda Ved Professor University of Denver, Sturm College of Law
Norton Joseph Professor Southern Methodist University, Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences
Oh Soo Geun Professor Ewha Womans University, Seoul
Ortiz Rafael Illescas Professor Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Department of Private Law
Osode Patrick Professor University of Fort Hare, Nelson R. Mandela School of Law
Paulus Christoph G. Professor Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Law
Perales Viscasillas Pilar Professor University Carlos III of Madrid, Faculty of Law
Pejovic Caslav Professor Kyushu University, Faculty of Law
Plato-Shinar Ruth Associate Professor Netanya Academic College, School of Law and School of Business Administration
Quintana Adriano Elvia Arcelia Professor Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Rajski Jerzy Professor University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law
Ramos Francisco Garcia Professor University of Chihuahua
Reich Arie Professor Bar Ilan University, Faculty of Law
Rengifo Ramiro Director Center of Arbitration and Conciliation, Bogota Chamber of Commerce
Reyes Villamizar Francisco Professor Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell Teresa Associate Professor Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Faculty of Law
Sandoval Lopez Ricardo Professor Emeritus Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Saumier Geneviève Professor McGill University, Faculty of Law
Schuster Alexander Assistant Professor Trinity College Dublin, School of Law
Schwenzer Ingeborg Professor Emeritus University of Basel, Faculty of Law
Scott Colin Professor and Principal University College Dublin, College of Social Sciences and Law
Silva-Ruiz Pedro Professor Emeritus University of Puerto Rica, School of Law
Smith Edwin Professor USC Gould School of Law, International Relations and Political Science
Smits Jan Professor Maastricht University & Academic Director of the Maastricht European Private Law Institute (MEPLI)
Song Sang-Hyun Judge and Former President International Criminal Court
Sono Kazuaki Professor Hokkaido University
Stoffel Walter A. Professor Emeritus University of Fribourg, Faculty of Law
Supanit Sutee Professor Thammasat University
Telfer Thomas Professor Western University, Ontario, Faculty of Law
Tirado Ignacio Professor Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/Secretary-General of UNIDROIT
Torrie Virginia Associate Professor University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law
Tridimas Panagiotis Takis Professor Pennsylvania State University, Faculty of Law
Veiga Juan Carlos Professor Emeritus Universidad Nacional de Tucuman
Veneziano Anna Professor University of Teramo, Faculty of Law / Deputy Secretary-General of UNIDROIT
Vermeulen Erik Professor Tilburg University, Faculty of Law
Vogel Louis Professor Université Paris II Panthéon Assas, Faculty of Law
von Bar Christian Professor & Director University of Osnabrück, European Legal Studies Institute
Walker Janet Professor York University, Osgoode Hall Law School
Walsh Catherine Professor McGill University, Faculty of Law
Weatherill Stephen Professor University of Oxford, Faculty of Law
Westbrook Jay L. Professor The University of Texas at Austin, Faculty of Law
Wilhelmsson Thomas Professor University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law
Winn Jane K. Professor University of Washington, School of Law
Winship Peter Professor Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law
Wood Roderick Professor University of Alberta, Faculty of Law
Xavier de Mello Eugenio Professor Emeritus Catholic University of Uruguay, Law Faculty & President of Uruguay Bar Association
Xiaoye Wang Professor Chinese Academy of Social Sciences & Hunan University
Zeno-Zencovich Vincenzo Professor University of Roma Tre, Faculty of Law