In the span of the Academy’s existence of over thirty years some members have passed away. It seems fitting that their names be kept in memory. In addition to their outstanding academic accomplishment, they were fine human beings and a pleasure and honor to know.
Professor Miguel Acosta-Romero
Professor David Allan
Professor Jurgen Basedow
Professor Robert Braucher
Professor Raul Cervantes-Ahmado
Professor Louis Del Duca
Professor Gerald Dunne
Professor Walter van Gerven
Professor H. Patrick Glenn
Professor Attila Harmathy
Professor William Hawkland
Professor Jan Hellner
Professor Dan Henderson
Professor John Honnold
Professor Donald B. King
Albert Kritzer
Professor Shalom Lerner
Ferenc Madl
Professor Wolfgang Freiherr von Marschall
Professor Jan Ramberg
Professor Norbert Reich
Professor Robert Riegert
Walter Rodino
Harry C. Sigman
Malcolm Smith
Professor Bernd Stauder
Professor Ignacio Winizky
Professor Allen Zysblat